
The only possible road to sustained success and sustained leadership is the ability to work as one, which only comes if each member favors collective success over his or her own success. Leadership will only come when every member deeply believes that his self respect, self esteem and self actualization are only fulfilled when the whole team is able to win and stand out rather than each one trying to stand out individually.This means that the success of one department is the responsibility of all other departments. All are held accountable. It is the collective success that brings status and recognition to all.

A staff member who adopts such value:

  1. Actively contributes and shares responsibility for results.
    1. Each member has a responsibility to contribute in solving problems that others might face.
      Mistakes are addressed only on a professional level and never on a personal level.
    2. Assists others, whenever possible or whenever have the time, in developing their capabilities and competencies.
  2. Shares relevant information with others in a timely and clear manner, even if not asked to do so, for everyone to be able to make informed decisions and efficiently complete their jobs.
  3. Supports decisions involved in, once settled and clarified, regardless of initial position on the matter.
  4. Is responsible and accountable about being aware of his/her value chain performance requirements and performs duties and jobs in manners that keep the whole workflow as smooth, efficient and timely as possible.